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How To Love What You Buy

Do you want to feel excited about your purchases? Do you want to feel confident in your decision? Do you want to eliminate the feeling of guilt that can sometimes come with making a purchase? Do you want to love what is in your home?

If you answered yes to one or any of those questions, then I have the answer for you!

Side note: I am not going to touch on budgeting in this post. That’s in the queue, but for this post I am assuming your purchases are within your budget.

I consume at a much slower rate than I did in college, and I am excited about my purchases. All of my purchases are intentional whether it’s a new sweater, fresh flowers, or a new kitchen appliance. I love what I buy and don’t feel guilty. 

I ask myself three questions before I purchase something (no matter how big or small):

  1. How long will this item last? 
  2. What is the purpose of this item?
  3. Is there anything about this item I may get tired of? 

#1 – Longevity 

Longevity means both quality of the product and how long you expect to be able to use it. For example, if I buy something really cheap and made of plastic, I’m expecting it’s not going to last as long as something made of glass or fabric. If you want to find a storage solution for your kid’s LEGOs and find this giant, green LEGO bin from The Container Store, how long do you expect to keep it? When we buy items that don’t have longevity, we are not spending our money thoughtfully and we are increasing our waste. 

#2 – Purpose

Consider the purpose of the item you are thinking about buying. I’ll use my LEGO example again. If the container’s sole purpose is to store LEGOs, is it possible to find another type of container that can store LEGOs and then be repurposed to house different toys, craft items, etc. later on? If you buy a pillow with a reindeer on it, what is the purpose? It may be so you can display it in the living room for 1 month each year. Is it possible for you to find something that is festive but could stay out longer than just the month of December? 

Sometime’s the sole purpose of an item is to bring you joy, and that’s okay! I know that the fresh flowers I buy will eventually die and I will need to replace them. Fresh flowers are an affordable way for me to decorate my home with the change of the seasons and a fresh arrangement sparks a lot of joy, especially in these dreary winter months. Buying fresh flowers doesn’t give me a “yes” to my longevity question, but the purpose outweighs the longevity. 

#3 – Do you have any hesitations?

The final question I’m encouraging you to ask yourself before you make a purchase is, “ is there anything about this item I may get tired of?” I’m talking about trendy purchases, items with a lot of print, and items that you are doubting before you even hand over your money. 

You may get sick of that neon yellow top or leopard leggings. I just saw that Carpenter pants are making a comeback, and although they look pretty cute on the Everlane model, I know I won’t wear them next season, so I’m going to pass. 

And we’ve all had that experience when we’re standing in a store, contemplating buying an item. We think “well, I don’t like how this collects lint but the color is good…” or “I really wish these shoes came in a size 8 but maybe I can make a 7.5 work…” 

I promise, you will get tired of lint rolling your sweater and you will get tired of having squished toes. If you ignore your hesitations (we’ve all done this), these items usually sit in our closest, being unloved and unworn. And when we try to part with the item it’s really difficult because we feel guilty for spending the money and never wearing it. Back in the closet it goes! And this doesn’t apply to only clothing. I contemplated this really cute navy, velvet chair for our upstairs attic, but I know that I’ll get sick of the navy in a year. That’s just how I work.

My hope with question number three is that you will save yourself from feeling guilty. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t ever buy anything trendy. I’m personally really into this whole dusty rose color that’s happening. The purpose of this post is to encourage and support you to think twice before bringing an item into your home. 


Remember, your home is your sacred space. It is a reflection of you and your family. You should surround yourself with items that represent you and bring you happiness. 

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