Pile of donated items

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Declutter

If you’re looking for a quick win, these 10 decluttering tips are just what you need! You can check them all off in a day, or you can tackle one per day for the next 10 days. By the end, you’ll feel those stress levels decrease, and your home will be tidier, inside and out.

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Declutter

  1. Buy things in bulk? Remove the excess packaging like the second layer of plastic around the individually plastic-wrapped paper towels or fruit cup packages (Costco and Sam’s Club people, you know what I mean). Recycle what you can, and toss the rest.
  2. Open up your fridge and discard any items that have expired or are past their prime (like carrots that can bend like a cheese stick).
  3. Head to that tupperware storage area and recycle (if possible) any container or lid that’s missing its match.
  4. Walk around your house and recycle any magazines or newspapers you haven’t looked at in the past week.
  5. Go to the spot in your house where everything miscellaneous seems to end up (coffee table, dining room table, entryway). Take a few minutes to put everything back in its original space.
  6. Head to where you keep the medicine. Get rid of anything expired. If you keep ointments and bandages in this location, go through those too. Be sure to dispose of these items safely.
  7. Walk around your house – top to bottom and collect all glassware, plates, and sippy cups that never seemed to make it back to the kitchen. Put what you can in the dishwasher and take five minutes to wash the rest.
  8. Open up those sock drawers. Toss any that don’t have a match. If you find yourself in the classic situation of “I may find it someday,” take a look at the rest of the socks in your drawer and realize that if by some miracle you do find the match, you’re really not hurting anything by getting rid of one pair from the dozens you currently have.
  9. Discard old receipts. Check your purses, reusable grocery bags, and jacket pockets. If you’re really struggling with mail, paper clutter, receipts, bills, and your kids’ schoolwork, check out The Complete Paper System!
  10. Grab your handheld vacuum, a cleaning cloth and spray, and a small trash bag as you head out to your car. Give it a good clean out and wipe down.

Happy organizing!

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