purple flowers in vase

Five Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

I’ve lived in Omaha my entire life, and every winter I really try to prepare myself for the upcoming colder months.  I focus on the positives, like the holidays and spending time with family. December 29th rolls around, and I get to look forward to the New Year, and I usually think, “Okay, I can handle you, Mr. Winter. Highs in the 30? Winter isn’t so bad. I’ve got this.”

And then BAM. January rolls in and punches you in the face.

This is the point in the year where I’m about to break, so I’m selfishly writing this post to hold myself more accountable–to not let the Winter Blues take over my life. So here are the five ways I’m committing to beat the winter blues.

  1. Buy Fresh Flowers
    • Trader Joe’s has really affordable ($5-10) arrangements, or you can do what I like to and grab some eucalyptus or greenery and a couple of small bouquets for color and do the arranging yourself. I love adding them to my bathroom! 
  2. Appreciate the small things
    • It’s easy to have tunnel vision this time of year and focus on the negatives but try to appreciate the small things like the sun shining. I welcome the light streaming in my windows. Those cloudy, sunless days are the pits, so appreciate when the sun is shining brightly.
  3. Socialize
    • Just embrace it and get out – don’t let it dictate how you are living
    • Get out with some friends. The laughter and conversation will fill your cup. And we all need our cups filled to the brim this time of year.
  4. Hop on a plane
    • Get out of town – Ha I mean, I had to put this one in here, right? It’s a sure way to beat the blues!
  5. Happy light and Vitamin D supplements
    • Get yourself a $30 Happy Light on Amazon and add a Vitamin D supplement to your morning routine. Both will make a noticeable difference!

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